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Man's life depends mainly on the preservation of the environment. One should not, therefore, put economic development on the preservation of nature and species, because that would not only destroy the healthy environment of man, but any possibility of life.


The company ensures compliance with environmental legislation at the federal, state and municipal level, and periodically checks necessary changes in this legislation and adjustments applicable to our activities.


CCT raised the environmental aspects of its activities and the potential impacts of each and classified them according to their frequency and severity, thus obtaining the significance of each situation. From there, it created control measures to the impacts considered significant.

Some of the measures and controls adopted by the CCT are described below:


pontoCharacterization of the generated residues and creation of the SRMP – Solid Residues Management Plan, with the use of the Collective Selection / Recycling

pontoAll residues with contaminating potential are sent to companies that have the operational license to give the correct treatment and disposal of the residues; including used fuel tanks, contaminated soil, energy reactors and mercury vapor lamps

pontoControl of oil treatment and of residues contaminated by oil from maintenance of equipment and of vehicles of the company

pontoCreation of goals for reduction in the consumption of fuel, water and electrical energy

pontoInspections of the black smoke emission level, generated by diesel vehicles of the company